Our Mission: To create strong business relationships throughout Miami and provide support for one another in developing and expanding our businesses. We have great partnerships with many businesses that contribute content to keep you updated with the business trends in the city of Miami.

Our Goal: To be the go-to place for all your business resources in Miami. We want to help professionals and business owners in all industries by sharing valuable information through a networking platform that will help guide you to success.

“The mastermind may be defined as: “Coordination of knowledge & effort, in a spirit of harmony between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”  ~ Napoleon Hill

Who are we?

We are a mastermind group of business leaders located in Miami that discusses and share innovative ideas to help each other succeed in our specific industry. MIAMIBUSINESS.COM is a place where great minds discuss ideas! The B2B concept consists of seasoned professionals and innovative thinkers in the Miami-Dade County area.

Only one person per business category can join per city; this encourages closer business relationships within our network.

Our Formula

The simple formula involves members sharing their vision and ideas on a weekly basis, helping fellow B2Bers learn about other industries in their community. All members have an ongoing opportunity to interact and share opinions. Our citywide business groups meet weekly to collaborate and to exchange ideas, enhancing our knowledge of different fields. These meetings make it easier to conduct business with each other.

Once a month all the B2B members from all the cities combine to form MIAMIBUSINESS.COM. This monthly conference is lively and fun since everyone gets to share a “Business Tip of the Month.” Furthermore, it gives us the opportunity to learn from one another, “Sharing Ideas!”

If you are a “Forward Thinking” individual, someone that is visionary and entrepreneurial, then you would benefit from being a part of this exclusive group. We welcome movers and shakers in the Miami area! We already have several B2B groups that have formed, and much more that are developing right now.

The Bigger Picture

MIAMIBUSINESS.COM is a business portal dedicated to all cities within Miami-Dade County. On this site, you’ll find business members with longstanding community ties and many years of experience.

All of our members meet monthly to share their business experience and ventures. Through our collaboration, we support local and community consumer needs.

The backbone of this B2B concept is driven by the domain name, MiamiBusines.com. Because of this attractive domain name and its worldwide accessibility, we anticipate that those seeking to do business in Miami – whether they are located locally or globally – will benefit from the list of professionals identified on the site.

The city of Miami has become not only “The Place to Be,” but also an incredible marketplace for all venues of business services. Another supportive feature is the Direct Navigation business domain names that we’ll use to introduce potential new business to our members.

Get started today! “Let MiamiBusiness.com help you generate bigger & better business opportunities!”