Event Summary: Michelle Villalobos at the June 2024 Greater Kendall Business Association

At the June meeting of the Greater Kendall Business Association, we had the distinct pleasure of hosting Michelle Villalobos as our keynote speaker. Originally scheduled for a 20-minute presentation, Michelle captivated the audience from the moment she began at 12:30 PM. By 12:50 PM, it was clear that her time was up, yet the audience was so engaged and eager to hear more that they practically demanded an encore. This was a first for me in my event hosting experience, and it was exhilarating to witness.

Michelle’s ability to connect with the audience is truly a gift. As I approached her to express my gratitude for her incredible talk, I asked the audience if they would be willing to stay for an additional 15 minutes to hear more from her, as I wanted to respect their time. Michelle graciously agreed, and the audience’s enthusiastic applause confirmed their agreement. This spontaneous encore was a testament to Michelle’s dynamic presence and the value she brought to the event.

Initially, I was supposed to introduce Michelle, but instead, I called upon Wendy Unger Schapira, a superstar alumni of Villalobos’s programs. Wendy, who served as the Membership Director for the Miami Beach Chamber for 40 years, is well-known in the business community as “Miss Miami Beach” for her extensive connections. Wendy has attended several of Villalobos’s weekend seminars, making her an official alumni and a true Superstar. Standing beside Wendy, I introduced Michelle by highlighting that we share a common trait: we are both activators. According to Gallup, an activator is someone who turns thoughts into action. However, Michelle is a super activator, while I am just a plain Jane activator – a comment that elicited a chuckle from the audience.

Wendy kicked off the session by speaking on the importance of membership, and as a welcome gift, she handed out tiny ducks, no larger than a dime, to everyone. These little ducks, according to Wendy, are meant to make people smile and serve as a powerful reminder of her. I found this gesture incredibly meaningful, as every time someone sees that duck, they will remember Wendy. I plan to keep my duck on my desk as a small but significant decoration.


Bio of Michelle Villalobos

Michelle Villalobos is the Founder of Superstar Activator, an international speaker, and an expert on helping mission-driven “messenger-preneurs” achieve both entrepreneurial success and personal fulfillment. She has worked with hundreds of thought leaders, coaches, consultants, and other Superstars – including Hall of Fame Speakers and global celebrities – to leverage their visibility, credibility, and content into new, meaningful, and profitable “Big Back End” revenue streams. Michelle is also the author of the soon-to-be-released “Adventure Book For Dreamers of All Ages: But I Want To Fly!”

Sales as S.E.R.V.I.C.E. Principles by Michelle Villalobos

  1. Energy Precedes Outcomes
    • Your energy speaks louder than words. Cultivate the energy of abundance, trust, and service before any sales endeavor to create a positive impact.
  2. Optimize for Alignment Over Agreement
    • Focus on getting great-fit clients who you can serve at the highest level rather than just trying to close the deal.
  3. It’s NOT About YOU and Your PRODUCT… It’s About THEM and Their PROBLEM (or POSSIBILITY)
    • Center your efforts on the client’s needs and wants to build trust and connection.
  4. How You SELL is How You SERVE (And: How They BUY Is How They BEHAVE)
    • Lead the sales process with your expertise and service to improve their life, financial situation, or well-being.
  5. People Don’t Want to Be Sold, But They DO Want to Be Led (By an Expert)
    • View the sales conversation as an audition for the client, raising your standards and calling forward better clients.
  6. Sovereignty Is Sublime
    • Respect the client’s right to choose and honor their beliefs, situation, and dignity. Not every prospect is a fit, and that’s okay.
  7. Offers Are to Be Accepted or Rejected, Not Collected – Ben Schemper
    • Avoid wasting time on “maybe” responses. It’s better to receive a clear “no” and move on.

Michelle Villalobos’s principles on sales as service offer a fresh perspective on building meaningful client relationships and achieving greater success through alignment and authenticity.

Michelle can be reached via www.SuperStarActivator.com