Out of nowhere, a disaster strikes your home, which disrupts your life. One of the first concerns is how fast you can recover from the damage? Will your insurance policy take care of the losses? You probably have many questions swirling through your mind while also worrying about ensuring your insurance claim is thorough enough to receive everything you are entitled to. It’s your responsibility to prove your losses to the insurance company because they want to protect their bottom line.

This is where an attorney that handles property damage claims comes in. Not only do you get a professional working for you, but the attorney is also very well-versed in insurance law.

Representation vs. the Insurance Company

The insurance company puts the responsibility of recovery on the policyholder. When you file a claim, the company will send an adjuster. Unfortunately, the adjusters aren’t always local and don’t know the actual cost of local materials to fix the damage. This can result in an inadequate settlement. There’s also the fact that the insurance adjuster’s job is to save the insurance company as much money as possible.

When you have representation either an Attorney or Public Adjuster in your corner, you are getting someone that approaches the matter from an advocacy standpoint. The benefit of having representation mull over your insurance policy to interpret it, is that your representative is already fluent in the policy’s language and structure.

Guidance Through the Claims Process

There are a number of things an Attorney or Public Adjuster does for you, such as:

  • A full review of your insurance policy.
  • The development of a claims strategy.
  • Identification of any compliance issues in your policy.
  • Compilation of a detailed list of losses and their valuations.
  • Negotiation with the insurance company on your behalf.
  • You’re kept informed throughout every step of the process.

The goal is to settle the claim for the maximum amount without you having to go through more than you already have. The attorney or public adjuster takes control of the situation for you and uses experience and strategy to get results.

How is the Attorney or Public Adjuster Paid?

If your claim is settled before litigation, then it’s likely that you will have to pay the attorney or public adjuster a percentage of the settlement for their services. However, a case that needs to be litigated means that an attorney that does property insurance can go after the fees separately. This is something that can minimize what you pay directly for the services that help you get a meaningful settlement.

In this process, you, the policyholder, are exclusively represented so your claim is handled quickly, fairly and with maximized restitution. It is important for you to know that if you retained a public adjuster, you would still need to pay the public adjuster even if your claim goes to litigation.  Whereas if you hired the Law Office of William J. Roe, P.A. from the beginning, if the claim goes to litigation, we no longer take a percentage and we go after our attorney’s fees separately.

William Roe was born and raised in Indiana. William graduated from Indiana University with a BA in East Asian Studies and a Minor in Criminal Justice. William received his law degree from St. Thomas University School of Law in Miami, Florida. During Law School, William was a member of the Intercultural Human Rights Law Review, competed on the Mock Trial team and received the “Best Student” award for Professional Responsibility.

Upon graduating from law school, William predominately focused his career on property insurance litigation where he represented homeowners and mitigation companies throughout the State of Florida. William briefly went back to Indiana to practice before deciding to return back to Florida. Upon returning to Florida, William worked for a defense firm where he represented and defended insurance companies. William soon realized, however, that his passion was with representing homeowners and mitigation companies.

With William’s extensive knowledge regarding coverage issues and insurance claims, he aggressively pursues insurance companies to settle claims in favor of his clients. William has had a case before the Florida Supreme Court. William is licensed to practice law in both Florida and Indiana.

William, J. Roe, Esq.
Law Office of William J. Roe, P.A.
17971 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 210
Aventura, FL 33160
Tel.: (786) 332-6324