Welcome to Miami Cigar Club

Your passport to the world of fine cigars and exclusive privileges. We are a thriving community of cigar enthusiasts powered by Facebook’s Groups, boasting a vibrant membership of over 2000 aficionados who share a common passion for the art of cigar appreciation.

At Miami Cigar Club, we have forged a special partnership with Empire Cigars, Miami’s premier cigar destination. With two convenient locations in the heart of Miami, one nestled in Kendall, Florida, near Dadeland, and the other in the bustling neighborhood of Brickell, Empire Cigars offers a haven for cigar connoisseurs. Additionally, they have a presence in the picturesque Las Olas Boulevard in Broward County.

Our collaboration with Empire Cigars means that when you join Miami Cigar Club, you gain access to a world of exclusive privileges and benefits at these top-notch cigar bars. Whether you’re seeking a relaxing spot to savor a meticulously crafted cigar or looking to expand your knowledge through engaging conversations with fellow aficionados, our partnership with Empire Cigars ensures you’ll have a memorable experience every time you visit.

As a member of Miami Cigar Club, you’ll be part of a community that celebrates the rich traditions, flavors, and camaraderie that cigars bring. We invite you to explore our website further to discover the exciting events, promotions, and gatherings that await you.

Join us today, and let’s embark on a journey of cigar appreciation together. Miami Cigar Club and Empire Cigars: Where the finest cigars meet the warmest camaraderie.

Empire Cigars, your premier destination for cigar aficionados in Miami, Florida, proudly offers an exquisite selection of premium cigars and accessories. With two convenient locations in Kendall and Brickell, we cater to cigar enthusiasts across the city. Our passionate team curates a diverse range of hand-rolled cigars, ensuring a unique and satisfying smoking experience. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or a newcomer to the world of cigars, our knowledgeable staff is here to assist you. Visit us today to explore our exceptional collection and elevate your cigar journey.

1106 S Miami Ave #202, Miami, FL 33130 | 786.622.2220 | Mon-Sun: 12PM – 3AM

Elier Borrego

Nice place to smoke a good cigar...accompanied by a drink, good music and attention...adequate lighting...and parking with validated payment in the basement. Review courtesy of Google Reviews

Alejandra Finol

I LOVE this spot. Such great vibes and really wholesome people. You can tell they really finessed the ambiance; it’s relaxed and laid back but also feels luxurious. If you want to meet the OG Cigar Papi, come meet Karl ~ he’ll hook you up with the finest cigars around...

George Gulisano

If you are looking for a place that that brings you happiness and peace while enjoying the best cigars, drinks and music in Miami then come experience this vibe! It is hard to beat and you will be taken back to the 80's by the DJ! Review courtesy of Google Reviews

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