Unlock your potential by changing the way you think. Healthy Minds Institute shows you how.
-Wilson Alvarez

On September 12, 2024, the Greter Kendall Business Association (GKBA) hosted its monthly power breakfast at the Best Western Hotel in West Kendall, Florida. These breakfasts, held every second Thursday, have been a cornerstone of GKBA’s efforts to connect local professionals in an intimate and focused setting. With 20-30 members in attendance, these gatherings emphasize quality over quantity, offering a space for meaningful connections and focused networking. This month’s event was led by Interim President Carlos Ribero, owner at NEXTmedia Digital, whose leadership continues to foster growth and opportunities within the association.

The highlight of the event was the member spotlight, where Healthy Minds Institute (HMI) took center stage. HMI, a dynamic coaching and training organization, is known for its dedication to helping businesses and individuals unlock their full potential. Co-founders Juan Medina Jr. and Myriam Polo shared their journey and the impact of their Cognitive Coaching model on businesses and individuals alike. Their partnership has proven to be a powerful combination of skills, experience, and a shared vision of promoting mental well-being and high performance.

Juan Medina Jr.: A Leader in Cognitive Coaching and Business Development

Juan Medina Jr., a partner at Healthy Minds Institute, brings a wealth of experience as a business and life coach, motivational speaker, and facilitator of cognitive training. With a background that spans various industries, Juan’s work focuses on helping businesses and individuals overcome challenges and reach new heights. His experience includes serving in career services, where he prepared college students for their future endeavors. Now, as a certified health and life coach, Juan applies his knowledge to transform the thought processes of high performers, promoting clear communication and effective decision-making in corporate environments. His passion for personal development and mental resilience has become the foundation of his coaching philosophy at HMI.

Myriam Polo: Promoting Wellness and Optimism in the Community

Myriam Polo, co-founder of HMI, complements Juan’s expertise with her background in occupational therapy and health sciences. With degrees in personnel management and health sciences, Myriam’s approach is deeply rooted in promoting optimism and mental well-being. Her personal experience and academic achievements enable her to guide others in achieving both personal and professional success. Myriam’s dedication to community health is evident in her work at HMI, where she uses her skills to help businesses and individuals overcome mental barriers, develop healthier mindsets, and thrive in challenging environments.

Healthy Minds Institute: Revolutionizing Business and Personal Coaching

Healthy Minds Institute has quickly gained a reputation for its unique approach to training and coaching. Focused on cognitive thinking, HMI empowers clients by helping them optimize their thought patterns, promoting effective communication, and enhancing overall mental health. By targeting core issues such as self-talk, comfort zones, and company culture, HMI introduces long-lasting changes in how businesses operate and how individuals perform. Their mission is simple yet profound: to help people perform at their highest potential by maximizing inner awareness and unlocking their full potential.

The Power of Our Daily Thoughts: A Story from Myriam Polo

During her talk, Myriam Polo shared a powerful message: we have around 6,000 thoughts every day, and astonishingly, 4,800 of them are negative. This startling statistic paints a picture of how much mental energy is often wasted on unproductive, self-defeating thoughts. To bring the point home, Myriam offered a parallel that resonated with the audience: imagine you have $6,000 in your pocket each day, but you waste $4,800 of it on things that don’t matter. You’re left with just $1,200 to spend productively. That’s what many of us do with our mental energy every day—we waste most of it on negativity, leaving only a small portion to focus on the things that truly move us forward.

Think of it this way: your mind is your greatest resource. You wouldn’t allow yourself to spend most of your daily earnings on useless distractions, yet that’s exactly what happens when we let negativity dominate our thoughts. Myriam’s message encourages us to flip the script. Instead of allowing the majority of our mental energy to be consumed by negative thinking, we should aim to redirect those thoughts toward productive, positive actions. Imagine what could happen if you reclaimed just a fraction of those 4,800 negative thoughts and repurposed them for growth, innovation, and progress. The potential is limitless.

This concept parallels a famous quote by Norman Vincent Peale: “Change your thoughts, and you change your world.” Peale’s insight mirrors Myriam’s message about how we invest our mental energy. When we choose to focus on positive, forward-thinking thoughts, we unlock new opportunities for success and fulfillment. Much like managing your finances, managing your thoughts is about making conscious choices. The difference is that the currency of your mind—the way you think—can lead to either productivity or stagnation. Myriam’s story reminds us that our thoughts shape our reality, and we have the power to choose which ones will dominate our day.

The September 2024 WKBA Power Breakfast exemplified the power of quality networking and the impact of meaningful coaching. Myriam Polo’s presentation on how we manage our thoughts serves as a powerful reminder: much like financial resources, mental energy is finite. By focusing on the positive, we can unlock a greater potential within ourselves, allowing us to thrive both personally and professionally. Cognitive coaching, as practiced by HMI, offers businesses a way to boost performance by addressing the mental aspects of work and life, ensuring long-term, sustainable growth.

If you’re looking to elevate your business or personal life through enhanced mental clarity and performance, consider exploring the services offered by Healthy Minds Institute. Their approach to cognitive coaching could be the key to unlocking your true potential. Reach out to HMI today to see how they can help you or your business thrive.

Hashtags: #CognitiveCoaching #BusinessGrowth #MentalWellness #KendallBiz #HealthyMindsInstitute #GKBA