Accounting & Bookkeeping

When you need professional accountants that are experienced, dependable and reputable contact these excellent companies in Key Biscayne. Whether it is business or personal, these trustworthy accounting firms are ready to help you with all of your accounting needs.

Samlut & Company has been in business since 1992 and serves a broad range of South Florida professional organizations and businesses with the highest quality of auditing, accounting and tax services. They work towards helping their clients achieve their detailed accounting needs and their financial goals and because of this, they have built a reputable and trustworthy business. The staff has a broad range of experience and has combined their talents and expertise to form a unique professional service team. Their tax services include federal, state, international, business and individual planning, estate and gift, and tax controversy. Auditing services are financial statements, compliance and internal control analysis.  Accounting and advisory services include budgeting, review, compilation, business planning, financial services, acquisitions, business start up services, payroll management services, inventory control, ISO 9000 consulting, human resource consulting, and feasibility analysis for new and developing markets in Central and South America. Litigation support includes expert witness, damage quantification and business valuation.  Services for computer systems management and implementation are evaluation and design, installation, monitoring system management. They also do accounting services for non-U.S. residents and other non-U.S. entities such as preparing U.S. and state income and estate tax returns. They also help non-U.S. business people to find professional advisors, insurance agents, bankers, project financing and so much more.

Lancaster & Reed was established in 1984 and is a U.S. and international tax practice. They serve high net worth individuals, partnerships and corporations across the U.S. and abroad. Their services are accounting and auditing, and their U.S. and international tax practices include foreign grantor trusts, foreign non-grantor trusts, U.S. real estate investors, report of foreign bank and financial accounts, voluntary disclosures and much more. Their other services include advisory services, non-profit practice services, condominiums, homeowners and co-op associations.