What Was Intelligent Explorer and What’s Its Modern Equivalent?

Back in the early 2000s, Intelligent Explorer was one of the most notorious forms of adware and browser hijackers to infect user computers. It often disguised itself as a legitimate browser upgrade or add-on but was actually a malicious program designed to bombard users with pop-up ads, alter browser settings, and even invite more malware onto the system. This type of software would change your homepage, insert unwanted toolbars, and create an endless loop of annoying and often inappropriate advertisements. It was difficult to remove and left many users frustrated, as traditional antivirus tools often failed to eliminate it entirely.

Today, while Intelligent Explorer itself is long gone, the tactics it employed are still very much in use. The modern versions of adware and browser hijackers have become more advanced, but their intent remains the same: to generate revenue by hijacking your browsing experience and exposing you to unwanted ads or even malicious software.

Modern Browser Hijackers and Adware

Although adware and browser hijackers have evolved, their fundamental goal is unchanged. Programs like Adrozek, Search Encrypt, and Trovi Search are the modern equivalents of Intelligent Explorer. These types of malware still change your browser settings without your consent, track your online activity, and inject ads into your browsing sessions. If left unchecked, they can slow down your system, expose you to further security risks, and even lead to privacy breaches.

How to Protect Yourself and Remove Modern Adware

If you’re facing a browser hijacker or adware infection today, there are modern tools that can help you safely remove it without having to resort to drastic measures like reinstalling your operating system. Here are some steps you can take to both remove and prevent these threats:

  1. Use Reliable Anti-Malware Tools
    Today, there are several advanced and reputable anti-malware tools available that can detect and remove adware and browser hijackers. Popular and effective solutions include:

    • Malwarebytes: A widely trusted tool that effectively removes adware, browser hijackers, and other forms of malware.
    • AdwCleaner: Specialized in removing adware, this free tool from Malwarebytes targets browser hijackers and removes them quickly.
    • HitmanPro: A powerful tool that offers cloud-based malware scanning and removal, including adware and other potentially unwanted programs (PUPs).
  2. Enable Browser Protections
    Most modern browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, come with built-in protections against malicious downloads and extensions. Make sure these features are enabled to reduce your exposure to harmful software.
  3. Run Frequent System Scans
    Regularly scan your system with a trusted antivirus or anti-malware tool to catch potential threats early. Set automatic scans to run weekly, ensuring your system stays clean.
  4. Reset Your Browser Settings
    If your browser is being hijacked, one of the quickest ways to regain control is to reset it to default settings. This will remove any unwanted extensions, restore your homepage, and reset the default search engine. Here’s how to reset popular browsers:

    • In Chrome, go to Settings > Reset settings and click “Restore settings to their original defaults.”
    • In Firefox, go to Help > Troubleshooting Information and click “Refresh Firefox.”
    • In Edge, go to Settings > Reset settings and click “Restore settings to their default values.”
  5. Keep Your Software Up-to-Date
    Keeping your operating system, browsers, and all software updated is essential. Software updates often include security patches that protect you from the latest threats.
  6. Use a VPN for Additional Security
    A Virtual Private Network (VPN) adds an extra layer of security by encrypting your internet connection and hiding your IP address, making it harder for attackers to track you or inject malicious content into your browser.

Avoiding Browser Hijackers and Adware in the Future

The best defense against browser hijackers and adware is a cautious approach to internet use. Here are some practical tips to avoid falling victim to these threats:

  • Be Careful with Downloads: Avoid downloading software from untrusted or unofficial sources. Many adware programs are bundled with free software, so always opt for the “custom” installation option to uncheck any unwanted programs.
  • Watch Out for Fake Updates: Like Intelligent Explorer, many adware programs disguise themselves as legitimate updates. Always ensure you’re updating your software directly from the official website or through automatic updates within the software itself.
  • Use Browser Extensions Sparingly: Only install trusted browser extensions from verified sources, and regularly review your installed extensions to remove any that seem suspicious or are no longer needed.

As cybersecurity expert Kevin Mitnick once said, “The human element is the weakest link in security.” This quote is a reminder that while there are tools to protect you from adware and malware, your actions play a significant role in staying safe online. Vigilance is your best defense—be careful with what you click, download, and install.

Browser hijackers and adware, like the infamous Intelligent Explorer, continue to plague the internet. While the methods have become more advanced, the solutions have too. By using modern tools like Malwarebytes, Norton360, and strong browser protections, you can safeguard your system against these unwanted programs. Always be cautious online, stay updated, and don’t hesitate to take preventive measures to protect your privacy and data.

Need help removing unwanted adware or securing your system? Contact Wilson Alvarez today for expert advice and a tailored cybersecurity solution to keep your computer safe from modern threats.