Religious establishments throughout Wynwood welcome residents and visitors of all ages and backgrounds. The doors are always open at these well respected establishments. Each religious establishment has their own unique way of filling people of faith with hope for the future.

“To restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ” is the motto for Holy Cross Episcopal Church. This church has focused their mission priority towards seeking to transform unjust structures of society, responding to human need through loving service, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and teaching, nurturing and baptizing new believers. Holy Cross Episcopal Church also includes ministries such as prison, Latin, Indigenous, transition, Asi America, federal and children’s ministries. Other areas of focus are adult formation and lifelong learning, domestic poverty, global justice, eco-justice, stewardship and Episcopal migration ministries. Holy Cross Episcopal Church is located at 121 NE 36 Street.

The main purpose of Wynwood Church is to create an authentic and relational environment to allow believers to fully embrace the love of God. Wynwood church is a community of faith, hope and love that meets in the Wynwood area once a week. Those who are interested in joining the Wynwood Church community should contact Wynwood Church for further details about meeting locations.  Weekly meetings allow believers to pray, share scripture and build relationships.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami is located just blocks from Wynwood at 137 NE 19th Street. Temple Israel’s mission is “To worship God in accordance with the faith of Judaism in the reform tradition”. Rabbi Tom Heyn became the spiritual leader of the temple in 2012 and continues to lead today. Temple Israel of Greater Miami provides the pulse of Jewish life in Miami. In addition to traditional services the temple also offers education opportunities at their Joni and Stanely Tate early childhood center and Rabbi Coleman A. Zwitman Religious School. Visit Temple Israel of Greater Miami to join the community.