A milk mask, raw egg whites, and cold water sound like an excellent natural remedy to shrink pores, right? This remedy and many others might lessen the appearance of your pores, but unfortunately, it doesn’t actually shrink them. Pores can’t shrink. The reason pores are not able to shrink in size is because pore size is determined by genetics. This is something that can’t change.

Pore Size

Pores that you see on the surface of your skin might seem like dots, but they are the opening of hair follicles. The pores contain a gland called sebaceous that is responsible for producing oil in your skin. Your heredity determines the size of your pores. Although pores located on your nose and forehead are generally larger than others on your face. In general, people that have darker skin or olive complexion are more likely to have large pores. People with a pale complexion and fair skin usually have smaller pores.

Have you noticed that your once small pores are becoming larger? This might be due to a variety of situations. The most common things that cause pores to become larger is collagen loss, dead skin cells, and squeezing a pimple. This type of situation can cause pores to become permanently larger in appearance.

Tips for Minimizing the Appearance of Pores

You might not be able to shrink the pores you inherited from your grandmother, but you can help them to look smaller in appearance. The following are a few helpful tips that will guide you to taking care of your skin and minimizing the appearance of pores.

  • Face Washing – Use a mild cleanser specifically created for your skin type. Wash your face every morning and night. Always remove makeup before going to bed.
  • Exfoliate – A scrub specifically made for exfoliating the face should be used daily. If you have sensitive skin that is prone to getting red after exfoliating, try to lessen the amount of exfoliating sessions to 2 or 3 times per week.
  • Moisturize – Always use a moisturizer after washing your face. Choose a moisturizer with salicylic acid or one that is best suited for your skin type. Avoid moisturizers that cause skin irritation, ailments, and rashes.

Your skin is the first thing people notice when they look at you. It is essential that you take care of your skin whether you have inherited large or small pores. Consult with a dermatologist today to determine your original pore size and skin type. Always follow the recommendations of the dermatologist for healthy glowing skin.