Greater Kendall Business Association Sep 2012

In the bustling heart of Miami’s business community, the Greater Kendall Business Association hosted a notable luncheon in September 2012, under the leadership of Jorge Pena, the association’s president. The event, held at the Killian Greens Golf Course, was not just a regular meeting but a platform where business leaders and local entrepreneurs gathered to hear insights from one of the most influential figures in American politics, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

As the first Latina and Cuban-American elected to Congress, Ros-Lehtinen has a history of breaking barriers and setting precedents. Since starting her congressional journey in 1989, she has been a vocal advocate for issues ranging from LGBTQ+ rights to education and bipartisan cooperation. Her tenure as Chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee saw her at the forefront of international issues, advocating for human rights and strengthening U.S. foreign policy, especially in support of Israel.

During her keynote speech, Ros-Lehtinen discussed the importance of diversity in leadership and the impact of education on economic growth. Her message resonated with the audience, comprising Miami’s business elite, who appreciated her efforts in Congress to enhance educational opportunities and her commitment to bipartisan problem-solving.

The event was also a networking goldmine. Attendees exchanged ideas and discussed potential collaborations, echoing Ros-Lehtinen’s call for across-the-aisle cooperation in their own ventures. Jorge Pena, with his keen organizational skills, facilitated discussions and interactions, ensuring that all members left with valuable connections and insights.

Reflecting on the event, it’s apt to recall the words of former President John F. Kennedy: “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” Ros-Lehtinen’s career exemplifies this philosophy, showing how leadership is enhanced by continuous learning and adaptation. Her speech at the luncheon not only highlighted her legislative achievements but also underscored the ongoing need for leaders to remain students of their professions and society.

The key takeaway from this gathering is the undeniable power of inclusive leadership and education in fostering economic and social development. Ros-Lehtinen’s career serves as a beacon for aspiring leaders, showing that with perseverance and a commitment to core values, significant obstacles can be overcome.

For those inspired by this event or seeking to engage more deeply with Miami’s vibrant business community, the Greater Kendall Business Association continues to offer a platform for growth and collaboration. Visit to learn more about upcoming events and opportunities to connect with local business leaders and innovators. Don’t miss out on the chance to expand your network and enhance your impact in our community. Join us and be part of shaping the future of business in Miami.