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We all leave a legacy.

Armando Trabanco 2015By Armando Trabanco, Banking Executive.

As professionals, we are under constant pressure to perform and yield results.  We try and make the most of everyday, at times putting in 12 hours in what should be an 8 hour work day. We go from issue to issue efficiently, never understanding how our actions are affecting our teams and what they are learning from those actions. More importantly we never fully understand how we impact the young professionals in our companies, and what they will remember about us when we move on.

A few years back, I departed from a financial institution where I had started my career, and had a great 20 plus years.  To my surprise,  upon my departure I was honored with a farewell party.  At that party, a lot of folks talked about my professional nuances (which I didn’t know I had), and the impact that I had on their careers.  I was given a book, that my direct reports had prepared, with the phrases that I most commonly used, and which they had come to know me by. Here are a few examples; (1) Ask yourself – “Am I a part of the solution or a part of the problem? 2). My consistent response to, how are you doing? Unbelievable- its just another day in Paradise. 3) Get rid of the “Chicken Little” syndrome- just make it happen. 4) Don’t settle for your salary- you deserve to max out your incentive plan, go for it. 5) Those numbers are weaker than circus lemonade.  

Although comical,  it made me reflect on the lessons I had learned coming up in my career, and the wisdom imparted both spoken and unspoken. Many were words spoken directly to me, but others had been observations that I made as those leaders went about their daily routines. All have a special place and have impacted my professional life in one way or another. Each of those lessons helped forge my career. I was very proud that I had, unknowingly,  left some wisdom to those that worked with me, I only wish I’d known how much they were observing and listening.

As you start your week, take a moment to look around at all those you oversee, either directly or indirectly, because each one is seeing your example and taking wisdom from your actions.  All will be left with an impression, and that impression will be your professional legacy.  Make sure that legacy is a positive one.

About The Author

Wilson Alvarez is a respected figure in business and technology, dedicated to supporting others in their endeavors. He serves as the Editor of and leads Wilson Alvarez Consulting Group, Inc., a company he established in 1991. With over three decades of industry experience, Wilson is a Certified Web Developer, speaker, trainer, and coach, adept at fostering growth and connections. Wilson's impact on Miami's business landscape is significant, particularly through his pioneering of B2B networking in the early 2000s. His innovative approach has propelled numerous businesses to success, shaping the local community. Known for his ability to bring people together, Wilson is passionate about leveraging IT to empower others. His strengths are detailed in the About Us section, and he can be contacted at for further inquiries.

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