Does Sunscreen Prevent Aging?

Use sunscreen! You most likely hear this request frequently, especially if you live in a tropical climate. Everyone from your mother to television commercials is recommending sunscreen use. UV rays are known to cause wrinkles, premature skin, uneven pigmentation and changes in skin texture. Some sunscreens are capable of preventing skin cancer, sunburn, and signs of premature aging.

Sun Damage Signs to the Skin

  • Sunburn – This happens immediately after your skin is exposed to the sun. Usually, you will notice this after a long day spent outdoors at the park, pool or beach. Skin will appear red and sore. It will eventually begin to peel and flake off revealing a new layer of skin.
  • Dry Skin – You will notice specific areas of your body that are exposed to the sun on a regular basis.
  • Collagen Changes – Long-term changes in the skin such as a thicker skin texture, deep wrinkles, and fine lines. These signs usually show up on areas such as forehead, forearms, face, back of the hands and knees.
  •    Scaly Peeling Skin – A small brown, red, yellow or pink tinted bump is also referred to as actinic keratosis. This skin ailment also startles people because it feels like sandpaper when you touch it.

Research has revealed that broad-spectrum sunscreen is capable of preventing signs of aging. Sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 is recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology and should be applied as often as every 2 hours.

To prevent premature aging or signs of aging you should use sunscreen on daily. A day spent outdoors with your family in direct sunlight requires a liberal application of sunscreen at least every two hours. If you go swimming or sweat heavily, you should apply it more frequently.

Some sunscreen manufacturers have waterproof sunscreen. However, you should always re-apply in two-hour intervals. Hours spent splashing around and swimming in salt water, fresh water or chlorine water can easily lessen the effects of the sunscreen.

All skin types are susceptible to skin damage due to sun damage. Sunscreen should be part of everyone’s skincare regimen. Due to the risk of developing skin cancer due to exposure to UV rays, you should always consult with a dermatologist as soon as you notice any unusual signs. Signs of skin cancer include changes to existing moles, scaly patch on the skin, lumps, ulcers and white waxy lumps. Consult with a dermatologist today to learn more about skin health.