Everyone desires to take special time in their busy schedules to take care of their body so they can feel energized and invigorated to continue their daily lives. There are several enjoyable and relaxing spas to choose from with many wonderful treatments to please everyone.

Bellezza Spa is an intimate day spa and a special place where your body and spirit feel alive. You will be pampered in their elegant and gracious surroundings and provided excellent personal service. Their spa treatments include the awakening sea salt glow, remineralizing mud and algae wrap, firming algae body wrap, French body polish, cellulite slimness treatment and airbrush tanning. Their massages are mother-to-be massage, aromatherapy, shiatsu, lomi-lomi Hawaiian massage, reflexology, hot stone, deep tissue, Swedish, craniosacral, Tian di bamboo, which is the same as deep tissue but using bamboo sticks, aromatherapy, toxin releasing (lymphatic) and anti-cellulite with smoothing thigh gel and also a fifteen minute chair massage. Bellezza has many other services including a hair salon, med spa, body care, power peel, hand and foot care, specialty body treatments, skin treatments and specialty skin treatments to take care of your every need.

Imagos Day Spa is a tranquil retreat for you to relax and feel pampered and refreshed by the comfort and warmth of the spa. They also have make-up areas, private changing rooms and lockers available. Their spa services include skin resurfacing treatment, therapy massage, body care exfoliation, therapeutic skin care, makeup services, detoxifying, contouring and rejuvenation and healing aqua therapy. They offer their clients a choice of a number of spa packages for an entire day of relaxation and spa cuisine is included. The bride-to-be day spa offers you a Swedish massage, deluxe bridal bath, manicure and pedicure and honey mango body shine. They also offer a gentlemen’s spa relaxer that includes a facial, manicure, sea salt and a therapeutic deep tissue massage. Couples can enjoy their couples escape Swedish massage, signature pedicure, Imagos rejuvenating facial and lunch for two. They also offer Miami splash, you deserve it, and fountain of youth day spas to serve your every need and make you leave feeling refreshed and renewed.